You Will Learn How:

  • The key archetypes of healer, mentor, elder and guide can shape and inspire our hearts and minds throughout the course of our lives.

  • The healing path becomes a primary way of being more truly conscious and more genuinely purposeful in our lives.

  • Connecting to the wounded healer within us helps shift the nature of our trauma. 

  • Mentoring is an age-old process through which we can find support and guidance for all of life's meaningful transitions.

  • The inspiration and courage needed for finding a meaningful path in life involves both the eternal youth and the wise elder in our souls.

  • We are not alone in times of change, but rather archetypal forces can help us find new ways of healing, and creative ways of transforming our lives.

Course Includes:

  • 4+ Hours of Video

    Compelling presentations, stories and commentary with Michael Meade

  • 8 Audio Sessions

    Related audio that deepens and elaborates core themes

  • 160+ Pages of Related Writings

    Extensive excerpts from Michael Meade books and essays

  • Lifetime Access

    Unlimited and lifetime access to all course content

  • 30% Discount

    With course purchase, receive a 30% discount on all book and audio titles

  • Mobile App

    Easily access all course content via mobile app

Course Overview

  • At this critical time on earth we are living through the end of an era and the demise of a world view. Ultimately, times of crisis and division can lead to transformation at both individual and collective levels. However, in order to avoid overwhelm and find meaningful pathways, we need to tap the deep resources of our souls which connect us to timeless roots of imagination and the endless energies of creation.

  • Our soul’s natural inheritance includes both instincts for survival and archetypal energies that can help generate creativity and healing for both nature and culture. The dual process of awakening and connecting to inner potentials serves to revitalize the age-old practices of healing, mentoring and visionary guidance that are essential to navigating these dark and troubled times.

  • This course focuses on archetypal dynamics that can inspire and inform us, that can contain and shape our emotions and that can tap our inherited creative energies for both healing and renewal.

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Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to the "Healer, Mentor, Elder, Guide" Course

    • Mobile App

  2. 2
    • Session 1 Overview

  3. 3
    • Opening Song - Azisona / Introduction

    • The Kairos Moment

    • Awakening Archetypes

  4. 4
    • Question 1: How do the mother and father archetypes work together at this transitional time on Earth?

    • Question 2: Are you saying that archetypes are forces shaping our future?

    • Question 3: Could you speak to the role of resistance in the process of changing and creating?

    • Question 4: In my mind, archetypes are ancient and unfolding as we evolve. Are new archetypes being created, or are the original ones evolving?

    • Question 5: Can you speak about the power of imagination in the process of changing personally and collectively?

  5. 5
    • Audio: Azi Sona - Full Song

    • Audio: Azi Sona - Commentary

    • Audio - The Archetypal Riverbed

    • Book Excerpt - Stopping in Time

    • Book Excerpt - Holding the Thread of Life

  6. 6
    • Session 2 Overview

  7. 7
    • Introduction

    • Mentor - Greek Myth

    • Story Commentary

    • Personal Story

  8. 8
    • Question 1: As a teacher and mentor, I deeply love the moment in which students teach me something or become my advisors. To me it means I did a good job and they have embodied the teaching.

    • Question 2: My mentors have been my incarcerated husband and men who have withstood the deepest darkness and come through with compassion, gratitude and service to the community.

    • Question 3: A lot of people seek advice on social media, like a kind of mentorship. Could you comment on this? What is it without emotional presence? Is there still an archetype there?

    • Question 4: My mentors have been children and the animals in my life. Everyone I've met who projects on me and on whom I project. They are everywhere.

    • Question 5: What do we do when we find ourselves caught up in the shadow or negative side of a mentor? I had a painful experience with a narcissistic mentor who I didn't realize was causing me harm until it was too late.

  9. 9
    • Audio - Mentoring Moments

    • Audio - The Bridge of Mentoring

    • Book Excerpt - The Spirit of Mentoring

    • Book Excerpt - Survival Mentoring

  10. 10
    • Session 3 Overview

  11. 11
    • Teaching Story - Sufi Story

    • Story Commentary

    • Emotional Education

  12. 12
    • Question 1: Isn't there an old saying that the only person that can bless you is someone that can also curse you?

    • Question 2: You mentioned letting go of the old world and being open to what is trying to come in. What are some ways to awaken our imagination and facilitate the shift?

    • Question 3: As a wounded healer, I get terrified by the idea of others criticizing and challenging me and the gifts I'm trying to give. How do you suggest I move deeper into giving my gifts regardless of this great fear and the anxiety that is triggered?

    • Question 4: What do you mean by the idea that the facts of my personal story remain, but are seen in a bigger or deeper context?

    • Question 5: This makes me shudder to admit, but I have many mentoring moments with contention and conflict within the dynamics of my family. Being the youngest, I've come to deeply value fighting and finding my own way in life.

    • Question 6: In Homer’s Odyssey, Telemachus literally means final battle. Ancient people knew really well the significance of fate and destiny. What do you think is the best process leading from the Puer to the Senex to fulfill one's destiny?

  13. 13
    • Audio - The Wounded Healer

    • Audio - Dealing with Emotional Storms

    • Book Excerpt - Gifts and Wounds

    • Book Excerpt - The Deserted Children

  14. 14
    • Session 4 Overview

  15. 15
    • Icarus and Daedelus - Greek Myth

    • Story Commentary

    • Personal Mentoring Story

  16. 16
    • Question 1: I was denied experiencing eternal youth by having to care for my three siblings. My mother was a Puella for most of our lives. I was the oldest of four and at 11 years of age I was given the responsibility of caring for my siblings.

    • Question 2: I'm curious about people who fly too low and close to the sea and live down low. Do you think depression can sometimes be an overcompensation from the psyche to ground uninhibited Puer energy?

    • Question 3: I'm transgender and have ADHD. Even though I started as a creative, dreamy, bright, expressive child, I was punished into intense shame by the time I was seven. I want to fly, yet I still feel like I'm not able or entitled to actually fly.

    • Question 4: Please speak to the role of the unconditional witness in healing. As a healer, I see my role is to facilitate their own healing genius, reconnecting their own power as the witness of that.

  17. 17
    • Audio - The Wisdom of Elders

    • Audio - On the Road to Wholeness

    • Book Excerpt - The Education of Genius

    • Book Excerpt - What Not To Forget

  18. 18
    • Session 5 Overview

  19. 19
    • Introduction

    • Earth Diver - Native American Story

    • Story Commentary

    • Vishnu - Hindu Story

    • Story Commentary

    • Eternal Youth and Wise Sage

  20. 20
    • Question 1: How can a person, weighed down and too close to the water in childhood, as an adult relearn how to imagine and fly higher?

    • Question 2: What is the difference between the mentor and the guide?

    • Question 3: As an artist, I've always wondered why we hesitate before doing something creative. Why do we as humans avoid what we love? Is it because it is scary to face the unknown or create something new?

    • Question 4: It seems there’s lots of youthful Puer energy at this time. Will it take a great fall to eventually find balance? How do we help youth to find a grounding in the old wisdom?

  21. 21
    • Audio - The Making of the Earth

    • Book Excerpt - The Tree of Life

    • Book Excerpt - The Last Thread

  22. 22
    • Conclusion and Closing Song

  23. 23
    • Michael Meade Biography

    • Mosaic Multicultural Foundation

  24. 24
    • How to Redeem the Special Discount


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