You Will Learn How:

  • The path of the wounded healer inevitably leads to the deep self and soul within us.

  • Our wounds and gifts reside in the same place. Each time we touch our wounds, we are closer to our own gifts.

  • Recognizing that our personal wound is also archetypal in nature changes the nature of our suffering.

  • In facing and going through our traumatic experience, we find the parts of ourselves that are not wounded.

  • The healing path is also the primary way to become more truly conscious and more genuinely purposeful in our lives.

Course Includes:

  • 4+ Hours of Video

    Compelling presentations, stories and commentary with Michael Meade

  • 6 Audio Sessions

    Related audio that deepens and elaborates core themes

  • 100+ Pages of Related Writings

    Extensive excerpts from Michael Meade books and essays

  • Lifetime Access

    Unlimited and lifetime access to all course content

  • 30% Discount

    With course purchase, receive a 30% discount on all book and audio titles

  • Mobile App

    Easily access all course content via mobile app

Course Overview

  • As accepted patterns dissolve and uncertainty grows, we become more vulnerable to feelings of insecurity, anxiety and fear. While the rational mind reels from the irrational blows, it becomes necessary to find a sense of wholeness within ourselves.

  • Ancient stories depict how each person born carries a precise medicine in their soul. In order to find and activate the inner medicine we need to face and even embrace our inner wounds. Our psychic wounds secretly connect us to the transcendent function in the soul, so that what wounds us also initiates and transforms us. In that sense, the inner wound can be seen as a womb. In going through the wound we become reborn as an initiate on the path of healing.

  • Myths of the wounded healer are key for understanding the nature of healing and how we find the inner light of our soul and the hidden ground of unity. No better time than the divided times in which we live for seeking the guiding, healing power of the deep self and soul. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable we become more open and a deeper wisdom can come to us and live through us. Each act of healing our inner splits contributes to the healing of our divided world.

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Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to "Wounded Healers in a Broken World" Course

    • Mobile App

  2. 2
    • Session 1 Overview

  3. 3
    • Opening Song - Kulaya / Introduction

    • Archetypal Dynamics

    • Chiron (Greek Myth)

    • Story Commentary

  4. 4
    • Question 1: Can you speak to the difference between true healing and trying to rescue and fix others as a way to avoid one's own suffering?

    • Question 2: What to do with exhaustion when gender issues, race issues, climate issues, a whole host of other things exhaust and overwhelm us?

    • Question 3: How do you see the mother archetype and the archetype of creation showing up and being present in the world at this time?

    • Question 4: How do you understand how we can respond to loss when the effort to heal fails or remains unknown?

  5. 5
    • Audio - When a Paradigm Shift Is Not Enough

    • Audio - The Archetypal Riverbed

    • Book Excerpt - Gifts and Wounds

  6. 6
    • Session 2 Overview

  7. 7
    • Spirit in the Bottle (Fairy Tale)

    • Story Commentary

    • Facing the Wound

  8. 8
    • Question 1: My core wound is abandonment on many levels so that I experience both the feeling of the abandoned child and my current needs as an elder. In the bigger picture, how do we help heal the divide in the world?

    • Question 2: In terms of accepting the wound and finding the wisdom of the wound, do we surrender to the vulnerability and find deeper connections?

    • Question 3: How can we recognize our personal gifts within the wound? Are there markers to look for?

    • Question 4: I'm wondering about wounds in regard to time. Could this deeply wounded time in which we live involve an opening of the cosmic wound and thus an unparalleled opportunity for collective healing?

  9. 9
    • Audio - The Wounded Healer

    • Audio: Azima - Full Song

    • Audio: Azima - Commentary

    • Book Excerpt - Two Agreements and Spirit in the Bottle

  10. 10
    • Session 3 Overview

  11. 11
    • Opening Song - Azima / Review of Core Ideas

    • Salt of Initiation

    • The Tiger's Whisker - Part 1 (Traditional Asian Folktale)

    • Story Commentary

  12. 12
    • Question 1: I struggle with cynicism and a lack of trust as symptoms of my woundedness. And even though I seek help, I struggle to believe that genuine help will come. How can I open to receiving help from others when I can't move forward on my own?

    • Question 2: How do the wounds we gather along the way relate to our original wound? Are they a repetition of the original wound? Are additional wounds in life an opportunity for continual awakening?

    • Question 3: Some people seem to be unwilling or not ready to face their wounds in this lifetime. If this is true, how do we accept that without giving up on anyone?

  13. 13
    • Audio: A Holy Affliction

    • Book Excerpt: The Tiger's Whisker

    • Book Excerpt: The Prison We Are In

  14. 14
    • Session 4 Overview

  15. 15
    • The Tiger's Whisker Part 2 (Traditional Asian Folktale)

    • Story Commentary

    • Shamanic Initiation

  16. 16
    • Question 1: If a healing crisis, including one with chronic pain can become an initiatory experience, how do we loosen the grip of pain? I'm trying to learn this lesson right now.

    • Question 2: I feel that we don't fear our gifts and destiny, so much as we fear what we must face and encounter to reach them. Could you talk more about this and suggest some ways to face and go beyond our deep fears?

    • Question 3: You say that coming back to the wound activates our healing and this happens many times in our lives. How does the healing change each time?

    • Question 4: I spent my life largely as a hermit in the underworld and that is a natural home for me. However, I also know I need to step out more into the outer world as a wounded healer, any guidance?

  17. 17
    • Conclusion and Closing Song

  18. 18
    • Audio - Dreams of Healing

    • Book Excerpt - A Tale of Two Villages

  19. 19
    • Michael Meade Biography

    • Mosaic Multicultural Foundation

  20. 20
    • How to Redeem the Special Discount


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