Course Overview

  • The original idea of genius refers to the inborn spirit and natural gifts of each person. In that sense, everyone has a genius nature and something essential to give to the world. There may be no greater time for people to awaken to the inner spark of genius than the troubling times in which we live.

  • If we are to find creative ways of healing both culture and nature, the awakening of individual genius may be the most imaginative way to approach the seemingly impossible tasks that face us all. As the old saying advises, adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it. There can be no single idea or specific movement that can save us. Rather, a myriad of ingenious solutions and genuine inspirations are now required. In allowing the inner spark of genius to transform us, some transformation of the world also occurs.

Course Includes:

  • 5+ Hours of Video

    Compelling presentations, stories and commentary with Michael Meade

  • 8 Audio Sessions

    Related audio that deepens and elaborates core themes

  • 150+ Pages of Related Writings

    Extensive excerpts from Michael Meade books and essays

  • Lifetime Access

    Unlimited and lifetime access to all course content

  • 30% Discount

    With course purchase, receive a 30% discount on all book and audio titles

Course Introduction

Course Highlights

Key themes and core ideas in "The Soul of Genius":

  • The real project of each person’s life revolves around the revelation of an inner core of unique qualities and genuine life purposes.

  • Each person born, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or social status participates in the genius of life in some unique way. Everyone has something to give if they give from their essential nature.

  • Threads of genius and purpose are present in everyone, but may only become visible when something creative is attempted.

  • If each person has natural gifts and innate talents, then the true nature of education must involve the awakening and blessing of the inner genius and unique life spirit of each young person.

  • Rather than the need to heroically save the whole world, the real work of humanity at this time may be to awaken the unique spark and inner resiliency of genius within each person.

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Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to "The Soul of Genius" Course

    • Intro to "The Soul of Genius" Course

    • Mobile App

  2. 2
    • Session 1 Overview

  3. 3
    • Opening Song - Awe Awe

    • Redefining Genius

    • The Myth of Er - Part 1 (Greek Myth)

    • Story Commentary

  4. 4
    • Question 1: Is there a relationship between daimon and demon and needing to face challenging aspects of the self that may be guarding our genius?

    • Question 2: What is the distinction between genius and the soul? Or are the two words interchangeable?

    • Question 3: What happens when we fall out of alignment with our inner genius? Is losing the thread part of the path?

    • Question 4: Can you say more about the relationship between resilience and the soul?

  5. 5
    • Audio - Engaging with Your Genius

    • Audio - Where Genius Hides

  6. 6
    • Session 2 Overview

  7. 7
    • The Myth of Er - Part 2 (Greek Myth)

    • Story Commentary

  8. 8
    • Question 1: Can you talk about the relationship between a person’s genius and their wounds?

    • Question 2: Could you say something about practices that can break the ego’s hold on us?

    • Question 3: Does turning inwards to contemplate genius create loneliness and isolation?

    • Question 4: Are there specific markers within our body, mind, or soul that let us know we have picked our genius thread?

    • Question 5: If someone is moving towards what they love, even if it is their ego’s love, is this just a stepping stone towards getting even closer to the soul's true genius?

    • Question 6: Does giving of one's core gifts help overcome wounds and allow the genius to surface?

  9. 9
    • Conclusion and Closing Song

  10. 10
    • Audio: Awe Awe - Full Song

    • Audio: Awe Awe - Song Commentary

    • Book Excerpt - The Myth of Er

    • Book Excerpt: Genius is the Star in Man

  11. 11
    • Session 3 Overview

  12. 12
    • Opening Song - Azima

    • Tabula Rasa

    • Acorn Myth

    • Finding Genius

  13. 13
    • Question 1: Is genius ever conventional? And if not, how do we develop the confidence and boldness to share our genius?

    • Question 2: If the gifts are behind the wound, why do we so often avoid and deny the traumas that might open us up psychologically?

    • Question 3: Are there remarkable people who have genius and others that are average? Or are we all remarkable? What is the consequence of not fostering every individual genius?

    • Question 4: If someone has seen and confirmed the genius in us, but they are no longer present in our lives, how do we learn to follow our genius path?

  14. 14
    • Audio - The Acorn Myth

    • Audio - The Spark of Genius

    • Book Excerpt: Tabula Rasa and Acorn Theory

    • Essay: Re-Visioning Education

  15. 15
    • Session 4 Overview

  16. 16
    • Eisik's Dream (Middle Eastern Folktale)

    • Story Commentary

  17. 17
    • Question 1: How do we find the time to nourish our inner genius if our daily work takes up so much time and energy?

    • Question 2: I'm working on this genius path. In my school, but I'm largely on my own and can feel isolated. How can we take this genius work and share it and band together with others?

    • Question 3: My eldest son started school this year and I've been really disappointed by the education system. Do you see any school options where students are more supported in becoming themselves?

    • Question 4: Because people can remember songs long after they've forgotten almost everything else would you speak about how song and dance could revolutionize the education of youth?

    • Question 5: How do you know when your genius is ready to come out into the world; is it really a choice?

    • Question 6: What if you have plenty of creativity and courage, but intense self-criticism stops you from living out your genius?

    • Question 7: Is the ego an egg that has to break in order for the soul and genius to enter life?

    • Question 8: What if you believe that you were living your genius, but then walked away from it years ago? Can this genius be reclaimed?

  18. 18
    • Conclusion and Closing Song

  19. 19
    • Audio: Azima - Full Song

    • Audio: Azima - Commentary

    • Book Excerpt: Eisik's Dream

    • Book Excerpt: The Two Agreements

  20. 20
    • Session 5 Overview

  21. 21
    • How People Became Divided & Opening Song - Kanaro

    • Popol Vuh (Mayan Origin Myth)

    • Story Commentary

  22. 22
    • Question 1: Is the process of discovering your inner genius ongoing? Or will you know your genius in a moment of revelation and awakening?

    • Question 2: How do we apply this vision of purpose and healing to the cultural division in which we can no longer have a conversation without fear of repercussion or backlash?

    • Question 3: Can you differentiate between the heroic response and the awakened genius response, especially during this critical time on Earth?

    • Question 4: Would you speak about having the courage to go into our wounds in order to bring our genius into the world?

    • Question 5: Having grown up in the Far East, where expectations to be good to one's parents and family is of the utmost importance, how can we learn to recognize and cultivate our own genius in an environment where self is deemed selfish or even arrogant?

  23. 23
    • Audio - The Call of Genius

    • Book Excerpt - Genius Transforms the World

    • Book Excerpt: Popul Vuh - Mayan Origin Myth

  24. 24
    • Session 6 Overview

  25. 25
    • Your Genius Thread and the Maze of Life

    • The Ambit of the Self

  26. 26
    • Question 1: Do people have more than one genius? Do aspects of genius come later, especially during midlife?

    • Question 2: Could you speak about the role of the ancestors? Traditional cultures have strong ties to the ancestors, while modern culture is often disconnected from the ancestors. How important are the ancestors for the new world to come into focus?

    • Question 3: Can you say something about how we bring genius-based awareness and revisioning into our social justice spaces?

    • Question 4: How can we access the gifts of our genius to help lift us up when we get swept into fear or our shadow self?

    • Question 5: Does the inner genius awaken through shamanic initiation and is shamanic illness related to not answering the call of the inner genius?

    • Question 6: How can we support people in adolescence and help them identify and connect their calling during this challenging time?

    • Question 7: As a mythologist and storyteller, how do you advise and encourage people to follow the path of their particular genius, when we live in a world where myth and story are not necessarily valued?

  27. 27
    • Conclusion and Closing Song

  28. 28
    • Audio: Kanaro - Full Song

    • Audio: Kanaro - Commentary

    • Essay - The Vital Gradient Within Us

    • Book Excerpt: Hanging by the Thread of Genius

  29. 29
    • Michael Meade Biography

    • Mosaic Multicultural Foundation

  30. 30
    • How to Redeem the Special Discount


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