You Will Learn How:

  • Each person's birth story contains part of their personal mythology and becomes triggered each time our life tries to change or needs to change. 

  • Finding a true sense of purpose involves letting go of who we thought we were and what we were supposed to do.

  • A personal calling calls to the genius qualities set within our souls from the beginning.

  • When we live out the story written on our soul, we automatically contribute meaning to our community and the world.

Course Includes:

  • 4+ Hours of Video

    Compelling presentations, stories and commentary with Michael Meade

  • 7 Audio Sessions

    Related audio that deepens and elaborates core themes

  • 100+ Pages of Related Writings

    Extensive excerpts from Michael Meade books and essays

  • Lifetime Access

    Unlimited and lifetime access to all course content

  • 30% Discount

    With course purchase, receive a 30% discount on all book and audio titles

  • Mobile App

    Easily access all course content via mobile app

Course Introduction

Course Overview

  • From before birth our souls carry the embryonic seeds of a life-long project that can only be denied at great personal cost. Myth can mean “emergent truth” and each birth story involves hints of the inner truths trying to awaken and enter the world through us. In other words, your birth story is related to your personal mythology. The stories our families tell us about our birth typically include details that reveal aspects of our inside story as well as elements of family fate that affect us each time a new phase or stage of our life tries to happen.

  • When we open ourselves to mythic imagination, we become able to perceive, not just the nature of our inside story, but also the meanings behind the traumas and confusion in our lives. When seen as personal myth, what marks our lives can be deciphered, decoded and learned from. This course follows the path of personal myth all the way to finding how our genuine purpose in life is rarely a career we choose, but rather is something inherent in, and hidden within, our hearts waiting to awaken and become and a conscious destiny in our lives.

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Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to "Finding Your Personal Myth" Course

    • Intro to "Finding Your Personal Myth" Course

    • Mobile App

  2. 2
    • Session 1 Overview

  3. 3
    • Opening Song - Azima / Introduction

    • The Myth of Er - Part 1 (Greek Myth)

    • Story Commentary

  4. 4
    • Question 1: Is there only one way to live out your soul's purpose?

    • Question 2: Does the idea that each person is born with genius and is trying to find their destiny, can that bring a greater perspective when you see people doing things that strike you personally as immoral?

    • Question 3: If the core pattern of one's life is unique, how does it relate to the idea of universal archetypes?

    • Question 4: You said that the most important ideas in the world often get lost. Why is it that most important ideas get lost, why is it that our destiny must be discovered and most people may not even find it?

    • Question 5: What are the signs of being on your path, the cues that should make you perk up and pay attention that there is some emergent truth in a moment or experience?

    • Question 6: Can you speak to the relationship between a personal myth and a collective myth for our time?

    • Question 7: In expressing my genius and inner authentic nature, I find myself drifting away from society, culture, and my family, all of which do not encourage my uniqueness. Is there is a necessary aloneness on this path at least at some point?

  5. 5
    • Book Excerpt - A Mythological Transfusion

    • Audio - The Roots of Personal Myth

    • Audio: Azima - Full Song

    • Audio: Azima - Commentary

  6. 6
    • Session 2 Overview

  7. 7
    • The Myth of Er - Part 2 (Greek Myth)

    • Story Commentary

    • The Individual Birth: Our Unique Mythological Experience

  8. 8
    • Question 1: What do you think the mythological significance is of my mother pushing, followed by attempted vacuum extraction, then forceps? Why such a difficult birth? I don't feel reluctant to take on challenges, but my birth seems to say I do?

    • Question 2: I was born through a cesarean section and I feel like I was denied the chance to go through the birth initiation. Sometimes I feel like I want to be squeezed but what I have instead is dissociation and disorientation.

    • Question 3: My mother almost died during my birth due to hemorrhage. I'm very close with her but can see how I might be held back from moving forward due to familial responsibilities. Interesting to see how a second birth might have to deal with a death.

    • Question 4: I believe I was born at 2am and the water broke on the way to the hospital. I was the last child born and my four siblings were spaced two years apart. I feel I've had to fight my way into life all alone on my pathless path without support.

    • Question 5: I wasn't supposed to be. My mother was in danger during my older brother's birth and the doctors strongly advised no more children. Yet I was conceived. Mom almost died during my birth. I threatened my her safety just by attempting to arrive.

    • Question 6: My mother told me that when I was born my father ordered the doctor to give her general anesthesia. She was unconscious, as was I when I was born and I have difficulty at times finding my way. Any suggestions?

    • Question 7: My mother had two miscarriages before me. And then I was an emergency c-section. Is there any significance to miscarriages?

    • Question 8: I was born prematurely. My father wasn't there. His mother died in childbirth. I was strong on one hand as a child yet had chronic bronchitis and was really sick at times. When change comes I feel physically the weakest. Today is my birthday.

    • Question 9: My mother was only sixteen when I was born, my father nineteen. This was an unwanted pregnancy and I was an unwanted child. She spoke to me of resentment and fear and of being anesthetized during labor and delivery.

    • Question 10: I was born at night in the middle of a flood that killed many people and animals. It took 24 hours to be born. The birth was so hard on my mom. She's tiny. The empathic pain I have felt and the pain of animals has been overwhelming.

    • Question 11: My mother had me 14 months after my sister. And I always felt unwelcome even though two other sisters were born following me, each ended with totally anesthetized cesarian. I'm recognizing my difficulty in giving birth to any new impulse.

  9. 9
    • Audio - Origins of the Soul: Part 1

    • Audio - Origins of the Soul: Part 2

    • Book Excerpt - The Myth of Er

    • Book Excerpt - Origins of the Soul

  10. 10
    • Session 3 Overview

  11. 11
    • Genius and Calling

    • Latency

    • Role of Mentors

    • The Healing Road

    • Writing Excercise

  12. 12
    • Question 1: I was an unwanted child and became orphaned. I have experienced many losses over the years. I became a champion for children, teaching for decades. Now I'm experiencing the call to facilitate grief circles in my spiritual community.

    • Question 2: What if you've had callings and vocations in life but you think you were wrong about them?

    • Question 3: What is your opinion on the possible ramifications of children being born and isolated with their parents, but with no village or community for the first few years of their life. This is often the case for those born during COVID years.

    • Question 4: Would you clarify and say more about the relationship between fate and calling? How does our fate, for example, our birth story affect our calling?

    • Question 5: I don't seem to recall much of anything in my past. It's very disturbing, as if I never even had a life. My mother was depressed. My father was off as a traveling salesman. How can I access the story of my life so I can gain insights?

    • Question 6: I'm confused a bit by some of this focus on roles or jobs in talking about callings. Are callings what you do in a social role or is the social role simply a way you embody your calling, purpose, or story?

    • Chapter 7: I had a difficult childhood. It was abusive. I have found my calling as a creative person, but often want to share my painful story and fear the consequences to my family. Is it important to share the wounds along with the gifts?

    • Question 8: Can you speak about the role of soul versus spirit as it pertains to genius?

  13. 13
    • Audio: The Call of Genius

    • Audio - Mentoring Moments

    • Book Excerpt: An Acceleration of Calling

    • Book Excerpt: The Spirit of Mentoring

  14. 14
    • Session 4 Overview

  15. 15
    • Dharma

  16. 16
    • Question 1: I'm curious about ways to explore our authentic personal myth versus the story we are taught about ourselves, as well as ways to discover and deepen the connection to our unique genius.

    • Question 2: Why is it difficult to walk the path of our destiny and live with our awakened genius? It seems that the more I am connected to my genius and true path, the more darkness comes and tries to discourage me.

    • Question 3: How do I move through the experience of finding my calling and a mentor-teacher, but then become rejected by the mentor?

    • Question 4: While the clarity of my calling is in some ways crystal clear, I find myself frozen in my ability to move toward it. Do you have anything to say about building up one's character toward that purpose?

    • Question 5: You spoke about each person becoming a point through which the divine enters the world. I'm intuiting you'd associate that divine with genius. Could you say more about the distinction between identifying with the archetype and embodying it?

    • Question 6: When did you discover your own personal myth? When did you really know this is it, this is my true calling?

    • Question 7: I've had multiple experiences of calling and renewed calling in the creative arts throughout my life. Several times the calling arose during a breakdown, physical or emotional. Could you speak of the connection between breakdown and calling?

  17. 17
    • Conclusion and Closing Song

  18. 18
    • Audio - Finding Purpose, Making Meaning

    • Book Excerpt - A Hidden Message

    • Book Excerpt - Run Towards the Roar

  19. 19
    • Michael Meade Biography

    • Mosaic Multicultural Foundation

  20. 20
    • How to Redeem the Special Discount


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