The bridge of life stretches between the daily world, where things become divided and stuck and the Otherworld of great imagination and endless potentials. Even as we sleep our dreams serve as a bridge between realms, revealing hidden parts of ourselves and stirring the essential waters of change.
In troubled times it becomes important to know that at every threshold there are creative energies waiting to enter the world through us. As everything else seems to fall apart, the deep “knowing self” within us moves closer to the surface and seeks to become known.
Personal and collective crises may threaten our habitual ways of being on one level, while opening the doors of vision and understanding on another level. Threshold moments and transformative events can break time open and reframe our entire life, altering its trajectory and renewing its vitality.
The inner medicine of the soul is found in the creative middle way which involves the power of becoming; becoming aware of new ways of being as well as coming to know ancient wisdom again. In the timeless moments of change we come to see the world as we are intended to see it and find the genuine aims of our lives.